Working Together
. . . striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, (Philippians 1:27, ESV)
In each space, where we look at the four parts of being on mission, we want to give a little information, and we want to start a big conversation.
Here, we are asking these two questions, “Why do we work with one another?” and “How do we work with one another?”
As we begin the conversation, we offer this idea: We work together because we have a great work to do in Christ. Vance Havner once observed, “Too many are willing to sit at God’s table, but not work in his field.” We, within the SBA family of churches, do not want to be those who only sit at God’s table. By God’s grace, we want to work together in God’s field. Why? We know that the harvest is plentiful. We know that the workers are few (Matthew 9:35-38). And so, we pray, and we go. We work together to further the gospel.
In the days ahead, may the Lord guide our steps and our conversation together. Please send us your thoughts at