Associational Mission Strategist
Dr. Douglas Vaughan
Doug is a 1985 graduate of the University of Texas in Arlington. In affirming God’s call to ministry, Doug continued his education at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He completed a Master of Divinity degree in 1990 and finished a Master of Religious Education degree in 1993. He completed a Doctor of Ministry degree from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in 2000.
Doug and his family moved to Reno, Nevada in 1994 so he could serve on staff with Steamboat Baptist Church. Then, in January 1996, he helped launch Crosspoint Community Church. He first served as associate pastor with Crosspoint, but in 2001 he began serving as the lead pastor, and served as the pastor for twenty years.
At the association’s annual meeting in October 2020 the messengers voted to call Doug as the next area missionary. With Dr. Eddie Miller’s retirement in 2022, Doug is now serving in that role full time.
He is excited about the future of the association.
SBA Strategy Team
The strategy team of the Sierra Baptist Association is prayerfully seeking ways to encourage the mutual work of preaching the gospel and making disciples within our family of churches.
Those who are now serving on the team include Mark Morton, Jim Ricks, Ted Angle, Joe Taylor, Tom Thomas, and Mike Schmidt.